Friday, December 9, 2022

Green Team Meeting Notes and Actions 12-08-2022

Green Team Meeting Notes/Actions 12/08/2022

Present: Mark, Steve, Mary, Candy, Samantha Day

Away: Bill, Susan, Janet, John, Ben

INITIAL DISCUSSION & ACTION: Mary – next step – reach out to David Strong & Dana – request a meeting with them and the Green Team for early January. Invite them to our January meeting OR to another time that works for Dana & Dave.

-        Meeting Topics (in this order): Church Sustainability Resolution, Andover Sustainability Resolution, Earth Day plans, Retreat results, Green Future Fund, request for Trustees of Trust Funds (annual report, guidance)

1)     Andover Sustainability Resolution (WECAN) Update

Mary gave an update on WECAN activities –

-        WECAN is In discussion with Temple Emmanuel

-        The town of Andover is not yet ready to fund Heat Smart Alliance advisors -


Path forward at South Church is the South Church Sustainability Resolution

-        Plan is to bring this to annual meeting – we are going to request it is brought as a motion to the congregation at annual meeting. The request is for the church to make it known to the leaders in the town, that the church congregation stands up for creation care, action on climate, climate justice.

The UCC as an organization has taken public stand on climate. We want the church to decide to do the same.


2)     Green Futures Fund


ACTION: Candy – contact the Giving Committee & Memorial Gifts Committee to see how this fund is part of the standard (James Boussieux and Liss Sellers)

Here is where to find the church leadership team on the website:


Goal is to start the promotion of the fund in the context of regular church giving

A good time to promote it is at Earth Day and leading up to Earth Day


3)     Church Sustainability Resolution is our church version of the Andover Sustainability Resolution

-        We ask the church to commit to our own “South Church Sustainability Resolution”

o   With Faith Centered language that sets the direction for the church

-        ACTION: Mary, Candy and Bill to draft Church Sustainability Resolution

-        Deadline is to have final drafted version by Earth Day

-        ACTION: Steve reach out to Taylor and Melanie about Joyce’s next meeting with Andover youth


4)     Bringing the retreat back

plans for January - in Fellowship hall after church?

ACTION: Steve, Sam & Mark – meet work on this

Tie in Church Sustainability Resolution


5)     Earth Day plans in April

Earth Day Service ideas – we will work with Dana on this (see planned meeting above)

w/o Rev Antal - invite Jim to Andover later?


6)     Church Trust Funds - how can we move this forward to 100%?

No definite plan here – don’t the TOTF have a requirement

New church By-Laws will change this organization structure and bring TOTF under church direction


7)     EV chargers – no updates this month

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Green Team Meeting Notes and Actions 11-02-2022

 Green Team Meeting Notes/Actions 11/02/2022

Present: Mark, Steve, Susan, Bill, Candy, Janet, Samantha Day

Away: John, Ben

1) church retreat for the environment - readout

     - next steps/actions from retreat

               Discussion about worked – wonderful success,

one missing thing was family/youth involvement – different program from last time may have played a role, and possibly because times are different in regard to family / kids activities

next time – idea to do a youth centered retreat? Shorter duration, less expensive location

     - list of the individual committed actions

Steve shared list of their actions to green team

How do we keep the momentum on the 5 areas? Is there a way to share what people are doing?

Is the FB page of Green Andover an option to share what people are doing in those 5 areas?

Do we appoint a lead/moderator for each area?

How do we include towns & retreat attendees outside of Andover?


ACTION: Mark – ask Dana how we can “bring the retreat back” to the congregation

Mark – find out when next church newsletter comes out – we will contribute a short news article

(BTW: what did Genna bring back to staff?)

-        3 ideas/proposal

1.      Nick Bohrer gives a reflection based on what he shared at retreat + what

2.      retreat attendees made commitments to take action in one of the 5 topic sessions (discussed on Saturday afternoon) at the retreat

3.      Jim Antal come to South Church to give a sermon on climate action - future

-        (How) can the church publicly support the Andover Sustainability Resolution?

o   Is it enough for the church council to make this decision?

o   Does it need to go to the congregation?


2) Andover Day WECAN Sustainability Fair readout

Mary was not present to share her update – do this next time – but:

The Big Thing for the church is the Andover Sustainability Resolution

- to ask the church council / Dana can “the church” (council) take a position in favor of the Sustainability resolution?


3) church heating system conversion to heat pumps - next steps?

- ACTION: Bill – next steps to move the church forward

1. ask the facilities team to take step 2: what rebates are available

2. Green Future fund exists, but no funds – how to publicize for giving?

ACTION: Candy – send to Joanne/David to confirm details of how the Green Future fund works/how is it defined for giving

4) church trust funds

Candy noted that Marty Mason said the new church organization will give more direction on the investment philosophy


Not discussed:

5) SC weekend of service Nov 5/6  - any green team supported activities?

6) update on EV charger usage/any issues

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

SC Green Team Meeting Notes-Actions 01-18-2022


SC Green Team Meeting Notes/Actions  01/18/2022

Present: Mark Bohrer, Bill Schroeder, Susan Johnston, Mary Pritchard, Candy Dann, Steve Fink, Ben Li

Away: John Wiggins, Iric Rex, Janet Clarke

New regular meeting time: First Wednesday of each month 6:30 PM

Next Meeting: Wednesday February 2nd 6:30 PM!

1)      Charging Station

·         Should be installed by end of this week – by Friday 1/21 – or possibly by early week of 1/24

                                                               i.      Connection to internet has been worked out

·         ACTION: Bill – write draft for church newsletter message – 1 pager

                                                               i.      Then post this on church website & link in the buzz

                                                             ii.      The 1 pager could be a flyer to hand out

                                                           iii.      Bigger announcement after a “beta” period

·         Send to Andover Townsman as a press release

                                                           iv.      Add to plugshare app after shakedown period

·         ACTION Candy – find out about how plugshare connection, signup, etc.

                                                             v.      ACTION Steve – contact town for stencil for parking spot

·         Steve’s idea: Make a video of introducing the charging station/ribbon cutting –

                                                               i.      share during a church service

                                                             ii.      ACTION Steve - Ask Jen Mazur, Lucas Bacchi – who could make a video?

2)      Heat Study –prep for annual meeting in February

·         We need a high level view / presentation of options, over lifespan of the system (~25 year costs which make green option a better financial choice)

·         ACTION Mark, Candy

                                                               i.      Annual meeting – touchpoint summary on this agenda – brief update, what’s next, FYI – 3 topics

1-Heat Study, 2-Charging Station, 3-Retreat

·         Plan for more detailed presentation at May meeting

3)      Green Service - April 24 “Earth Day/Climate Justice” service

·         Make Mission partner the Giving Garden for that month in conjunction with Green Service?

·         Church library – environmental books – Susan has books to donate on horticulture

                                                               i.      Tie to Green Service

·         ACTION Mary – contact Taylor – ask how can Green team help?

4)      Retreat – signups 31 adults, 4 children

o   Taylor has a conflict that weekend, risk at present is 0/3 - no ministers

o   ACTION : Steve – recruit young families

§  pitch the idea of group of families in bunkhouse

o   Plan to open things up to other faith communities at some point

§  At least through January it will be South Church, and we will evaluate at end of January

o   Planning committee – needs to launch this month

§  ACTION:Steve – recruit committee members

5)      Andover Climate Summit – April 8/9 – details here:

Not discussed:

6)      Watch party – Don’t Look Up


Parking lot topics

Proposal for a South Church "Green Future Fund"

CCA – Community Choice Aggregation in Andover

Historic Mill District