Thursday, November 3, 2022

Green Team Meeting Notes and Actions 11-02-2022

 Green Team Meeting Notes/Actions 11/02/2022

Present: Mark, Steve, Susan, Bill, Candy, Janet, Samantha Day

Away: John, Ben

1) church retreat for the environment - readout

     - next steps/actions from retreat

               Discussion about worked – wonderful success,

one missing thing was family/youth involvement – different program from last time may have played a role, and possibly because times are different in regard to family / kids activities

next time – idea to do a youth centered retreat? Shorter duration, less expensive location

     - list of the individual committed actions

Steve shared list of their actions to green team

How do we keep the momentum on the 5 areas? Is there a way to share what people are doing?

Is the FB page of Green Andover an option to share what people are doing in those 5 areas?

Do we appoint a lead/moderator for each area?

How do we include towns & retreat attendees outside of Andover?


ACTION: Mark – ask Dana how we can “bring the retreat back” to the congregation

Mark – find out when next church newsletter comes out – we will contribute a short news article

(BTW: what did Genna bring back to staff?)

-        3 ideas/proposal

1.      Nick Bohrer gives a reflection based on what he shared at retreat + what

2.      retreat attendees made commitments to take action in one of the 5 topic sessions (discussed on Saturday afternoon) at the retreat

3.      Jim Antal come to South Church to give a sermon on climate action - future

-        (How) can the church publicly support the Andover Sustainability Resolution?

o   Is it enough for the church council to make this decision?

o   Does it need to go to the congregation?


2) Andover Day WECAN Sustainability Fair readout

Mary was not present to share her update – do this next time – but:

The Big Thing for the church is the Andover Sustainability Resolution

- to ask the church council / Dana can “the church” (council) take a position in favor of the Sustainability resolution?


3) church heating system conversion to heat pumps - next steps?

- ACTION: Bill – next steps to move the church forward

1. ask the facilities team to take step 2: what rebates are available

2. Green Future fund exists, but no funds – how to publicize for giving?

ACTION: Candy – send to Joanne/David to confirm details of how the Green Future fund works/how is it defined for giving

4) church trust funds

Candy noted that Marty Mason said the new church organization will give more direction on the investment philosophy


Not discussed:

5) SC weekend of service Nov 5/6  - any green team supported activities?

6) update on EV charger usage/any issues

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